Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing

Dynamics 365 Marketing is Microsoft’s comprehensive marketing tool, which, through extensive automation and deep insights, allows you to take control of your marketing campaigns and provide your clients and prospects with personalised, unique experiences.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing

Manage marketing

Dynamics 365 Marketing is the Microsoft solution that will enable you to manage all your marketing campaigns.

Power your campaigns

Leveraging automation, AI, and analytics, your marketing campaigns will be empowered to drive your business forward and expand your client base.

Key features

  • Advanced segmentation of your contact base to create adaptable, intuitive marketing lists which allow you to target the right customers.
  • Customisable and personalised marketing email builder allows you to stand out from the crowd in your recipients’ inboxes.
  • Bring this together with customer journeys, creating a unique path for all your target audiences, which nurtures them in whichever way you require.
  • Marketing website functionality to track all traffic on your website, as well as embed marketing forms to capture any information you need.
  • Manage your social media posts to ensure you are touching base with your followers at every opportunity.
  • Manage your events from planning to follow-up with a bespoke event management flow – whether it is in person or remotely.
  • Real-time marketing brings a whole host of changes to the marketing app, streamlining all your marketing initiatives and allowing you to link up your customer journeys to Power Automate.

What are your challenges?

Dynamics 365 Marketing is right for you if:

Your current marketing tool, if any, is limited to email marketing capability and provides limited insights into how people are interacting with your campaigns.

You want to differentiate yourself from the crowd by giving your contacts a personalised marketing experience, which automatically changes depending on the customer.

You need a marketing tool which incorporates all your marketing endeavours – from email marketing and social media to managing your website and events – all in one system.

You need your marketing system to work hand-in-hand with your sales system, providing visibility across both in one unified view.

You need to grow as a business and therefore need a system which will help you to target your leads in an effective manner.

You have at least 10 full licences of another Dynamics 365 application, qualifying you for a discounted price for the Dynamics 365 Marketing app.

What will Dynamics 365 Marketing bring to your business?

  • With the cloud, you can access the marketing app from anywhere at any time, giving you an adaptable solution, which can grow with your business.
  • With automation, using tools such as dynamic segments, email marketing, and customer journeys, you can free up time for your marketing team to develop your next marketing campaign.
  • With a deeper level of insights, you can inform your business decisions to make sure your marketing campaigns are as smart as possible – work smarter, not harder.
  • Links to other Microsoft tools allow you to collaborate easily, enabling your marketing campaigns to be based on decisions from across the business.
  • Customisation possibilities are endless, making each campaign different from the next. And with the latest updates to Dynamics 365 Marketing, you can make any given campaign different depending on who the recipient is.

Why Dynamics 365?

Microsoft ecosystem

Dynamics has the unique advantage of being part of the Microsoft ecosystem, with the benefit of native linkups to applications such as Outlook, Excel, LinkedIn, and more.

Knowledge of millions

With a community of literally millions using the product, there is always a solution to any problem as there is always someone who has been there before.

Power apps

Power Platform is a powerful tool which can fill any gap in functionality by creating a Power App, providing deeper analysis of your data using Power BI, or creating automated pathways between all your applications using Power Automate.

Partner network

Microsoft’s partner network will ensure you find the right partner that is suited to your needs with a wealth of experience when it comes to delivering Microsoft Dynamics 365 and the complete range of Microsoft solutions.

Find out what Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales can do for you

D365 Marketing offers customer journey automation, lead scoring, event management, customer segmentation, marketing analytics, and integration with other Microsoft applications.

Yes, Dynamics 365 Marketing provides robust marketing automation capabilities. You can automate repetitive marketing tasks, create personalised customer journeys, send targeted email campaigns, and nurture leads through the sales funnel.

Dynamics 365 for Marketing offers several benefits, including improved lead generation, enhanced customer engagement, comprehensive marketing analytics, and seamless integration with other MS applications such as CRM and Power BI. This allows for business scalability and streamlined marketing efforts.

Dynamics 365 Sales focuses on managing customer relationships, sales pipelines, and sales-related activities. On the other hand, Dynamics 365 Marketing is dedicated to planning, executing, and analysing marketing campaigns and automating marketing processes. While both systems work together seamlessly, they serve distinct purposes within the customer journey.

Setting up Dynamics 365 Marketing involves several steps, but the primary ones are as follows:

  • Purchase a Dynamics 365 Marketing license from Microsoft.
  • Configure your marketing settings and preferences.
  • Import and organise your customer data.
  • Create and design marketing assets like email templates and customer journeys.
  • Set up automation processes and integrate with other Microsoft applications.
  • Test and launch your marketing campaigns.
  • Monitor and optimise your marketing efforts for better results.

It’s advisable to work with a Dynamics 365 expert such as City Dynamics to allow for easy set-up and ongoing support from our knowledgeable team.

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