Connect your business with Microsoft Dynamics 365

If you don’t have a CRM or ERP system in place, is your team using sprawling
spreadsheets, emails, even hand-written notes?

If you do have systems in place – but they’re outdated and disconnected – they may be creating more challenges than business benefits.

Connect your business with Microsoft Dynamics 365

When you use manual or outdated systems, this can lead to:

  • Lack of understanding and transparency across your business
  • Siloed information that is difficult for your team to find and access
  • Duplicated information in multiple places, which is a waste of valuable time
    and resources

Having disconnected data across different systems makes it harder to manage your security, protect your data and meet ongoing regulatory compliance requirements.  Outdated systems also restrict productivity and people simply don’t enjoy using them for their day-to-day tasks.

If you’re looking to scale your business, increase efficiency and optimise security, you need the right systems in place.

Connect your business with Dynamics 365

Dynamics 365 is a fully connected unified system in the cloud that is cost efficient and scalable. A Dynamics 365 solution, expertly delivered and managed by City Dynamics, will connect your CRM and ERP systems, enabling you to achieve the following key business benefits.

Connect your business with Microsoft Dynamics 365

Optimise financial operations

Microsoft Dynamics 365 can bring a wealth of benefits to improve the way you manage your business finances. From maximising your financial visibility and profitability to enhancing your financial decision making, with Dynamics 365 you can effectively assess your business health and improve financial controls to drive agility and growth using financial reporting, embedded analytics and AI-driven insights.

City Dynamics can help you integrate financials into core processes and automate tasks to boost productivity, while supporting your evolving business models and maximising financial performance. In addition, Dynamics 365 can help you minimise costs and optimise spending across your business with process automation, budget control and financial planning and analysis.

We can also help you simplify regulatory reporting, electronic invoicing and global payments.

Connect your business with Microsoft Dynamics 365

Delight your customers

City Dynamics can deliver a powerful and comprehensive Microsoft Dynamics 365 solution that will ensure your business is better equipped to:

  • Capture relevant customer data in real-time
  • Make better-informed data-driven decisions
  • And ultimately, provide service improvements that will delight customers

Dynamics 365 will give your teams a clearer view of your customers – all your business data will be accessible from one central location. This single source of truth will make your organisation more responsive, and you’ll be able to anticipate customers’ needs better. Then your interactions can be personalised to build stronger customer relationships.

Connect your business with Microsoft Dynamics 365

Automate tasks and transform business processes

By combining innovative Microsoft technology with your team’s ideas for process improvement, Dynamics 365 can connect your processes and replace manual tasks with smart automation.

The result? Your teams no longer spend valuable time on those mundane repetitive tasks they don’t enjoy, which increases morale while speeding up your operations.  From client feedback, we know people working in organisations that switch to Dynamics 365 enjoy their jobs more and become more productive.

There are many ways Dynamics 365 can transform your business through intelligent automation. For instance, you could automatically upload new leads to Dynamics 365 as soon as potential customers fill out a form, rather than entering leads manually.  This will improve your response rate and help you turn leads into customers faster.

Connect your business with Microsoft Dynamics 365

Improving reporting capabilities

With Dynamics 365 and Power BI, you can more effectively monitor key aspects of your business such as:

  • Marketing campaigns
  • Sales performance
  • Customer satisfaction ratings
  • Lead conversions
  • Enquiries


It’s all about creating a data-driven culture across your business to improve decision-making and generate better results for increased profitability. 

Having all your data in one central location makes it more trustworthy and enables you to quickly and efficiently compile timely reports that are more accurate. (As opposed to manually searching for and collating data from multiple sources.) You can
also query data in real-time with Power BI and use visualisations to uncover deeper insights, helping everyone gain a better understanding of the data.

Connect your business with Microsoft Dynamics 365

Secure your data

Is your data currently stored on separate spreadsheets and documents in different locations around the organisation? This makes it much more difficult to manage,  especially when you need to enforce security policies for your business.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 will unify your data in a single, secure cloud location, giving you greater control over data protection processes, compliance policies and user access rights.

Every year, Microsoft invests more than $1 billion in research and development to keep all their products secure. Their security models are flexible, which means they can be tailored to meet your unique business requirements.

Rest assured: with a Microsoft Dynamics 365 system from City Dynamics, your data will be hosted on secure Azure data centres with multi-layered protection.

Connect your business with Microsoft Dynamics 365

Access familiar business apps in one platform

Another powerful aspect of Microsoft solutions is the fact that Dynamics 365, Power Platform and Office 365 can all be delivered on a single platform, thanks to a common data service called Dataverse. This means your data is stored in a standard format and is ready to use across the familiar apps your people know and love. From Dynamics 365 and Outlook to SharePoint and Teams, your data can be easily accessed, shared and managed.

With Microsoft Dynamics, you can also integrate a range of third party apps, such as LinkedIn, DocuSign and Xero, allowing you to seamlessly conduct business with increased speed and efficiency.

Project Service Automation

Choose the right futureproof solution

We work with many organisations to create large, complex, highly customised Dynamics 365 solutions. We also work with clients who choose to deploy more straightforward out-of-the-box Dynamics 365 systems with minimal customisation.  This is ideal if you’re looking to drive down upfront costs and quickly generate business efficiencies.

The real beauty of working with City Dynamics is after the initial launch, we will help you regularly develop and expand your system to optimise performance. Our team is dedicated to helping clients boost their CRM and ERP productivity and drive improved business results for the long term.

In addition, Microsoft is continually innovating and developing their Dynamics 365 product technology and capabilities. Each year, there are regular updates and two major releases, which will enable your system to grow in line with your changing business requirements and stay futureproof.

Why City Dynamics?

City Dynamics will help you choose the right Microsoft Dynamics 365 system to serve all your CRM and ERP requirements.

With a wealth of experience in the financial and professional services sectors, we can help you address your business challenges and scale – with a system that will increase efficiency and respond rapidly to any future industry changes.

As well as having an in-depth understanding of Microsoft Dynamics 365, our team comprises businesspeople who fully understand how businesses like yours operate.  We will deliver the right system based on your exact business requirements.

Find out how Dynamics 365 can help you to scale your business, increase efficiency and optimise security.